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Linkedin phone number

You can do so by going to your Privacy & Settings, select the Privacy tab in the centre of the screen and click the Change option under Profile viewing options:ġ.

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What’s going on here? Well, you can change the settings in your account so that when you look at somebody else’s profile you can define what they will see about you as another LinkedIn member who has viewed their profile. LinkedIn Member (no information available to see).Anonymous Information (with visible characteristics about that person).

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When you click this stat you are usually presented with three different types of information about the people who have chosen to view your LinkedIn profile in recent days: And you’re probably used to seeing this stat appear next to the right hand side of your profile: It allows you to check out who’s been viewing your LinkedIn profile and it allows others who you have viewed to see that you have been viewing them. One of the most loved and most used features of LinkedIn is arguably “Who’s viewed my profile”. Leaving it on and making your activity public, adds to your credibility and by being seen to post, comment, like and discuss specialist topics that are relevant to your recruiting sector you will also boost your industry authority. We suggest that you should leave this open to Everyone, so that people can look at the type content you share and the subjects you tend to share content on, or if they’re looking for a good article you’ve shared in the past. If you switch from “Everyone” to “Your connections,” you’ll lose any out-of-network followers you have now: Choosing Everyone lets people outside your network follow your public updates. Then select Your connections from the two options that appear. To stop people who are not your connections seeing your LinkedIn activity, all you need to do go to your Privacy & Settings, select the Privacy tab in the centre of the screen and click the Change option under Followers in the Blocking and Hiding section: And they can do so by clicking the dropdown arrow at the side of the Send InMail/Connect , Send a Message or View profile as button on your profile page, and selecting the View Recent Activity Option: And guess what? Other people can see exactly the same information about you and your LinkedIn activity. When you’re on someone else’s profile you can check what’s known as their Activity Feed – a list of all the updates including articles they’ve published, group discussions they’ve started, posts they’ve liked, posts they’ve commented on, profile changes they’ve made, and any status updates they’ve shared on LinkedIn in reverse chronological order – regardless of whether or not you follow them or not. By having this setting switched on you remind your network that you’re still there. Why? Well, you might want to re-engage people from time to time with subtle updates such as adding a new skill or adding a new job you have available. As you can imagine, that might begin to annoy your network and could even result in someone choosing to disconnect with you.īut, once you’re finished making your edits, turn this setting back on. you might be doing a profile Spring clean, we suggest that you turn this setting off, as every single change you make will be posted out to your network. If you’re making a lot of changes to your profile e.g.

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To do this, go into your Privacy & Settings (as explained above), select the Privacy tab in the centre of the screen and click the Change option under Sharing profile edits: You can turn this setting off so that when you make these changes, they are not seen. When you make a change to your LinkedIn profile, such as updating your skills, changing your employer, or changing your job title, a notification saying that you have done so, is posted out to your network of connections (and potentially more people). Your LinkedIn Privacy Settings Activity Broadcasts LinkedIn will then ask you to authenticate your account by re-entering your email and password, after which you are ready to start amending your settings. Select Privacy & Settings from this menu: Once clicked, a dropdown menu will appear. To find your settings, log in to LinkedIn and click the picture of yourself located in the top right hand corner of LinkedIn’s navigation bar. So go on, open up your LinkedIn account and make any relevant changes to your profile as we go along: Finding Your Settings

Linkedin phone number how to#

So today, we’re going to take you through what the core settings associated with your LinkedIn account are, what they do, how to change them, and our recommendations in relation to these settings. Whether you’re brand new to LinkedIn, or you’ve been on there for years, there are default settings on your account that you may or may not be aware are already there – settings you may want to change depending on what they do and how it affects you and your sourcing activities.

Linkedin phone number